Friday, January 8, 2010

Purple Listerine If I Brush My Teeth Alot Of Times With Listerine During The Day, Is That Bad?

If I brush my teeth alot of times with listerine during the day, is that bad? - purple listerine

I brush my teeth with Listerine Aday purple like 5 times or more, so bad


RogueLeB... said...

Yes! Brushing too hard, it can undermine the teeth, so that they are vulnerable to heat, cold, and sweets. Brush your teeth after meals and after waking up and before bedtime. Use Listerine as the instructions say, twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Cleaning of teeth and gums, it can lead to recession and could lead to bigger problems. The gums with a soft brush to massage the gums with a scan / flicker of movement to clean their teeth without the irritation.

With Listerine Listerine with fluoride or an antibacterial to clean the teeth, but doen't use, 5 times a day!

RogueLeB... said...

Yes! Brushing too hard, it can undermine the teeth, so that they are vulnerable to heat, cold, and sweets. Brush your teeth after meals and after waking up and before bedtime. Use Listerine as the instructions say, twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Cleaning of teeth and gums, it can lead to recession and could lead to bigger problems. The gums with a soft brush to massage the gums with a scan / flicker of movement to clean their teeth without the irritation.

With Listerine Listerine with fluoride or an antibacterial to clean the teeth, but doen't use, 5 times a day!

Future DDS said...

Perhaps, but you should be more worried by brushing too hard. It should mean a soft brush brissle to be brushed. They do not wear down the enamel of the teeth. Perhaps you can replace it 3 times and brush and rinse with mouthwash 2 times.

spanish butterfly said...

Yes, it could be. Beware the tooth enamel can also wash and they are more sensitive to heat and cold. 2 to 3 times a day is enough for a clean mouth. Maybe try chewing gum as Orbitz or something if you do worry about bad breath.

Good luck

chulito7... said...

Yes, otherwise damage to the gums is.It

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