Friday, February 19, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco онлайн What's Your TOP TEN/FIVE Lesbian Movies & Tv Shows?

What's your TOP TEN/FIVE lesbian movies & tv shows? - los hombres de paco онлайн

(In a blog tumblr lesbian movies and television programs, and I want to know .. ur ranking)

Here is my ..

TV Shows:
1. Grande Fratello 10 (Sarah and Veronica)
2. Skins (Emily & Naomi)
3. The L Word
4. The OC (Marissa and Alex)
5. Los Hombres de Paco (Pepa y Silvia)
6. Hollyoaks (Sarah, Zoe and Lydia)
7. South of Nowhere (Gabby and Mandy)
8. House (thirteen)
9. Hospital Central (maca y vero)
10. Sugar Rush

1. Imagine Me & You
3. Feast of Love (lesbian story)
4. I can not think clearly
5. Saving Face
6. Legaturi
7. Lost and Delirious
8. Natasha
9. Supervoksen
10. Gray Matters


let there be nothing said...

Remember, Buffy (Willow / Tara)!

Rainbow! :D said...

I do not know, in addition to a home, but 13 is hot. * Drool *
I love, and she is my favorite!


HighJink... said...

Oh, my God, I love you Naomily:)
I like Sarah, Zoe and Lydia and Sugar Rush

Andro said...

Buffy x 10

Buffy - 10 (because the movie sucked)

iTz KELSEY Btch™ said...

South of Nowhere
The OC


walking said...

I did not know it was television that so many lesbian or gay couples to complete.
I see The L Word and I really liked.
Maybe I should know about Marissa and Alex usually sees organized crime, but not me. I could not even say that the characters they were.

I liked "Imagine Me & You" and DEB ....
Debs was the first time I saw the film as a lesbian and I knew it was a movie of lesbian, so you can imagine my surprise. He was 12 when I saw him [and I am now almost 18], but yah, I found myself strangely attracted to two girls making out. It's a bit weird now that I remember, because after watching the film again and again ... until my mother came home that day (he was the one who ordered the film to pay for me toby the vision, not knowing what it was left). Lol

I have not seen any others on the list, but I do not see movies, kinship, and part of Fingersmith, Tipping the Velvet. The films were good, but the books are really great (love Fingersmith better).
The above-mentioned source for movies, but my favorite.

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