Saturday, February 13, 2010

Aggressive Colon Cancer Has Anyone Here Survived Stage 4 Colon Cancer?

Has anyone here survived stage 4 colon cancer? - aggressive colon cancer

We have just learned that my father colon cancer and stage 4 (has) whole liver, the oncologist said he had 2 months of life, without chemotherapy, and up to 2 years before he does, even with chemotherapy ..... .
Please someone give me information. Has anyone survived the spread of cancer of the liver and lymph nodes? Is it possible to overcome this with more aggressive chemotherapy?


wanderlu... said...

Sorry to hear it. The difficult question is the quality rather than quantity of life left. If you lose weight, nausea, hair loss, and only to be unhappy and pain for the (potential) for two years - only he can answer whether it is really worth. Unfortunately, in my experience tend to be optimistic about the results of oncologists.

It has spread to the bone? Much depends on your age and general physical and emotional. Obviously, he was sentenced to death, either. Without knowing further details your chances of doing something that five years is likely that less than 10%.
If you are young and 60 years or less, and will, I encourage you to fight the damn thing. New treatments often come and migHT simply buy enough time for something more effective. If it fragile in his 70 years of age or health status is, it might say at the time, the things I wanted - but never, including his farewell speech.

Thermal ablation can be useful to "cook" in the liver metastases and buy more time. This is the dome with a needle that is inserted into the liver and heat - on the tumor to cook. But that is only effective if the liver is full of several small tumors. There is no such thing as microembolization therapy.

I bring you the options and possibilities. I will follow his father in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like a good man, a son, as she had concerns.

Beautiful girl said...

My family has a long history of colon cancer. My father died in 1974, my nephew was killed last year because she and my sister, but she has removed 18 inches of his colon and now my brother has it and has to his liver. They make a final operation to rescue him. I wish good luck for his father. I would just like to the recommendations of his doctors and to pray.

PEACE said...

A former model named Grace Delarosa, who survived colon cancer. She has a blog that can be of benefit. She describes her medication and visits.
I look forward sorry about your father. www. gracedelarosa. com

xoxvolle... said...

Frankly, I do not know the statistics, but Im sorry, and I hope your father is strong and fights.

Miracles do not lose hope.

MYOPINIO... said...

I'm sorry to hear of his suffering, but love is in the hands of God, and when May and beat this beast!

MYOPINIO... said...

I'm sorry to hear of his suffering, but love is in the hands of God, and when May and beat this beast!

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